Программы: QCD Player 5.0 Beta 106

Четверг, 26 января 2006 г.

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Вышла новая версия популярного медиа-плеера Quintessential Player. Воспроизведение всех популярных аудио и видео форматов, риппинг CD с декодированием в MP3, хорошее качество звучания, продвинутый интерфейс, поддержка скинов и плагинов… Скачать (3.07 MB - Freeware)

Список изменений: - fixed Core - Full mode opens shifted down (bug #1236) - fixed Core - Cdda plugin reenabling itself (bug #1237) - fixed Core - Secondary decoder search now looks beyond default plugin - fixed Plug - CDRoms not being listed in player (bug #1213, #1220) - fixed Plug - Replay Gain crash (bug #1230) - fixed Plug - Video window QuickTrack settings not working (bug #1245) - fixed ML - Ratings reset after tag changes (bug #1200) - fixed ML - Expanding view tree snaps to highlight (bug #1217, #1222) - fixed ML - Crash on doube-click in view tree (bug #1219) - fixed ML - Years disappearing on edit (bug #1221) - fixed ML - Editing/Deleting Shoutcast stations did not update treeview (bug #1229) - fixed ML - Couldn"t add ratings to autoplaylist rules (bug #1234) - fixed ML - "Delete from disk" buggy (bug #1244) - fixed ML - Folder Views not able to set root folder - added ML - added "Remove missing files from Library" - added ML - double-click device separators to collapse/expand - added ML - view pane context menu items - added ML - added Portable Device support plugin

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