Alberta Forest Products Association members produce $2.2 billion in 2011

Четверг, 8 марта 2012 г.

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Values of lumber, panelboard, pulp and paper manufactured by Alberta Forest Products Association-member (AFPA) companies totaled approximately $2.2 billion for 2011. The value of production was down roughly $152 million or 6.6% from 2010, as the AFPA said in a press release received by Lesprom Network.

On a quarterly basis, production values declined to $484 million in the 4Q 2011. Production values for the 3Q were $548 million, while the 4Q 2010 saw values of $579 million.

"While we had hoped for a year-to-year increase, there is reason to believe that 2012 will be a better year than 2011," said AFPA President and CEO Brady Whittaker. Lumber prices in the last couple of months have been noticeably stronger. While the pulp and paper market has continued to soften, prices remain above historical averages. We are hopeful that a turnaround in the global economy will spur higher pulp and paper prices in the future.

The Alberta Forest Products Association is a private, non-profit industry organization, representing lumber, panelboard, pulp and paper, and secondary manufacturing wood products companies operating in Alberta. AFPA member companies are active participants in sustainability advancements that contribute economic, environmental and social benefits for Albertans.

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